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Weekly release: Facebook Careers App

We focused the last two weeks of product development in building and improving features that help you promote your jobs better, faster so that you can reach more job seekers. We are proud to announce our new SmartRecruiters Careers App that can be used to display your jobs on your Facebook fan page.

Facebook Career App: Within minutes, add a “Careers” tab to your existing Facebook fan page and display your current job openings there. Any job you post via SmartRecruiters will be automatically posted to your Facebook fan page as well. To get started –





All your active jobs will be instantly displayed here. Applicants that apply from your Facebook fan page will be tracked. Fans visiting your page can also leverage powerful options like Facebook Share and Like, to spread your jobs virally to their social network.


Easily personalize your SmartRecruiters Careers Page: Your ready-to-use SmartRecruiters Careers page is available and can be easily linked to your existing corporate site to list all your job openings. Your Careers page is available here: (substitute CompanyName with your Company name). Every time you post a job in SmartRecruiters, it will automatically appear on this page. Unposting a job will take it down from this site.

This week we have made personalizing of your SmartRecruiters Careers page more intuitive. Add the Job List component to display your open positions. Drag and drop components like video, LinkedIn, Twitter feed to make it more interactive. You can easily update colors or fonts to reflect your corporate brand. After you are done, simply link this page to your corporate site. It is that easy! See sample customer pages here: Photobucket, DCI Group and Micro-Coax.


This week’s bug fixes


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