One of the top recruiting conferences for leaders in Talent Acquisition is underway and day 1 was filled with great content.
Here are the top 25 conference takeaways, twitter style:
- We can not underestimate the commitment that we are asking candidates make by joining our team. @JHopp12
- Top 2 recruiting metrics that aren’t measured: 1) Diversity and 2) hiring against demand plans. @SmartRecruiters
- 31% of TA leaders don’t measure hiring vs. demand plans. Not tracking the business need? How can you measure your success. @RLoRecruiter
- Analytics that are not being tracked. Quality is so important but nearly 1/2 don’t measure it. @JHopp12
- Recruiting is the easiest job in the world. Until you get people involved. @artiefeinstein
- Question to ponder: Do you continually evangelize and educate your team? @AngelaDeClaro
- Facts = Data, Data = Credibility, Credibility = Trust and Trust = Partnership. @trevorpvas
- 81% of the time, the ATS rejects candidates from companies. @jjbuss
- Do you agree with the business on what the problem IS? Half the time it’s a business problem, not a recruiting problem. @huttm
- False assumptions! Does the best student go to the best University? Targeting Universities self selects! @emilydryzgami
- Time to fill: 79 to 24 days? Hiring Manager SLAs. @mlackaye
- How effective are we at capturing powerful stories of our customers and employees to grab the attention of top talent? @AngelaDeClaro
- Marcy, TA Leader at Publix, on stage telling a great employment story, Great place to work, check them out. @ffpratt
- Tell powerful stories to answer “Why should I join your team?” @mollyw323
- TA is spending an average of 45% of their time on attrition-limiting abilities to grow. @JHopp12
- Average time to fill a job is 50 days. @AngelaDeClaro
- Why do HR pros put up with those ATS systems? @ChaimShapiro
- TA leaders have a higher opinion than managers think about their recruiters as talent advisors. How are you training your recruiters?
- Top inhibitors to meeting Talent Acquisition objectives: 1) Workforce Planning 2) Too much time on backfills 3) Business leadership. @JenniferMcClure
- Avg recruiter fills 100 positions a year. @DearKat
- Recruiters biggest frustration – hiring manager openness to non-traditional candidates. @huttm
- #1 reason recruiters are inhibited to be successful: Lack of hiring manager accountability to make the hire, Feels like finger pointing to me. @RLoRecruiter
- I dream of persona recruitment with no job ads but we still have managers who want cover letters. @DearKat
- Story telling is true employment brand work, sadly it is a skill few in HR have @masterburnett
- Speed and quality are 2 top issues keeping recruiters up at night. @amellerbrock
Stay tuned for more great content tomorrow! And if you’re attending, check out the SmartRecruiters booth (#53) for free music downloads.