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“Today’s Intern is Tomorrow’s CEO,” says Porter Gale

Porter Gale, author of “Your Network is Your Net Worth,” spoke at the SmartRecruiters HeadQuarters. Yes to Carrots Co-Founder Ido Leffler and Path’s VP of Business Development Matt Van Horn, case studies in the book, joined her on the panel moderated by SmartRecruiters’ Director David Smooke.

As we all approach three degrees of separation, businesses are collaborating in new ways. Porter explains how and why we should and can add value to our networks. And that value is shared.

Edited by Dominique Saavedra with help from David Smooke. Filmed by Ely Tran.

Read “Your Network is Your Net Worth.”Learn more about SmartRecruiters, the hiring platform with everything you need to source talent, manage candidates, and make the right hires.

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