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The State of Recruiting Top Tech Talent

Hiring tech talent is an art form that too few have actually mastered; my experience at TalentPuzzle has shown me time and time again that many employers believe all talent wants to work for their company. Scratch that, that candidates should be grateful that they have provided the opportunity…. The stark reality is that the top talent in any industry have multiple options, unless you are providing something unique they won’t even think twice about your offer.
Survey of top recruiters

So how do you proceed when you want/need the best? Let us continue, by looking at the numbers; 1 in 3 applicants are motivated by employer branding. If you don’t have a visible employer brand you have already lost out on 1/3 of potentially good candidates. Gen Y is taking over the workplace, the time was yesterday to create a visible employer brand that appeals to this demographic. When you are lucky enough to get top tech talent in the interview room, consider using these:

When all else fails you turn to a 3rd party recruiter. It’s the last resort for many hiring managers and in-house recruiters – for good reason. If you happen to find a good one, the fees can be extortionate. When it comes to Tech Talent and 3rd Party Recruiters it’s best to remember that the majority of these rising stars are fielding calls from job recruiters on a daily basis so if you are using a recruitment agency for your IT recruitment or Engineering recruitment. When choosing a recruitment agency, here are three key points to remember:

1. Choose specialists in the industry – generalists are wasting your time.

2. Have a great track record of placing highly technical candidates.

3. Establish your company’s talent pool of who is on the market.

When it come to the top tech talent you’d be wise to adjust your expectations. Many have the luxury to contract and job hop, finding a great developer or engineer and having them stick around is difficult at best and impossible at worst. Be prepared to hire a contractor to lock them in for a few months. The alternative is to find a promising young talent and nurture them into the star that everybody is chasing. Here’s what the millennials in tech want:

Somewhat surprisingly, the solution isn’t in the amount of money in an offer. We curated this infographic to help you master the art of attracting the very best in tech… and maybe even getting them to stick around.


Imriel Morgan is the Customer Success Executive at TalentPuzzle. To see the full infographic & sources click here. Imriel handles all key account management at Talentpuzzle as well as curating all the content for the TalentPuzzle blog and community.  

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