SmartRecruiters Blog

The Recruiting Soundtrack

We’ve all thought about what songs would play in the movie about our lives. It always seems music has a particular way of capturing each juncture of our lives or an event perfectly. Songs can teach you lessons, guide you in the right direction, remind you of lost memories and everything in between. There’s a soundtrack for everything. Now even recruiting. These 8 songs take you through each step of the recruiting process reminding you what it’s all about.

First step…

Figure out what you want and need in a candidate.

You better think (think) think about what you’re trying to do to me / Think (think, think)



Hiring is an investment in time and resources, and not just for the employer but the candidates as well. Think hard to clearly define what you want and need in a candidate so there’s no confusion about hiring priorities or new hire expectations. Once you’ve decided what the next role is devise a plan to attract them.


Let candidates know you’re looking and source from the right places.

One way or another I’m gonna find ya / I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha gethca / One way or another I’m gonna win ya / I’ll getcha I’ll getcha. 



Blondie’s approach may have come off a little bit stalkery, but I get where she’s going with this. Share your message loud and clear. What good is having an open job if no one knows about? Open positions should be posted where you know the candidates are- try niche job boards. Don’t forget treat your job ad as more than a job description but also a marketing tool.


Tell candidates why you’re great.

It’s amazing, I’m the reason/ Everybody fired up this evening / I’m exhausted barely breathing / Holding on to what I believe in. 



Kanye West has no problem telling the world how great he is, and neither should your brand. If you’re the kind of employer everyone wants a chance to work for- share it with the world. Yes people want jobs, but more importantly they want to work for companies with a story, who believe in their mission whole heartedly. Employer branding is key. Let candidates know you’re “amazing.”


Give them all the information you can, be honest.

Honesty is such a lonely word. / Everyone is so untrue. / Honesty is hardly ever heard. / And mostly what I need from you.



You do not want to be the recruiter or employer Billy Joel is talking about in this song. Candidates expect and deserve transparency let them know what they’re in for as the recruiting process moves forward and when they ask, “what’s it like to work here?” be honest.

After that…

Weed out unqualified candidates and let them know you’re going in another direction.

You know I can be found/ Sitting at home alone / If you can’t come around / At least please telephone.



Okay, so candidates probably are not sitting by their telephones waiting for a phone call from you- but they do expect some feedback. There’s nothing more infuriating than never hearing back from an employer once you’ve applied and Elvis knows the same thing goes for waiting for a call from the one you love.

Then use…

Interview processes to determine if the candidate is a good fit.

Getting to know you / Getting to know all about you / Getting to like you / Getting to hope you like me / Getting to know you 



Resumes hit the surface of the candidate, but the interview is where you get to dig a little deeper and have a conversation with the candidate. Did you enjoy being in the room with them? Would he or she be a good team member? Can he or she get the job done?

Get some extra guidance from…

Reference checks and talent assessments. Do you due diligence to make sure you’re hiring the right talent for the job.

Help, I need somebody / Help, not just anybody / Help, you know I need someone



Your gut can’t tell you everything and sometimes you need a little extra assurance the candidate is the right one. Get some additional help from references they’ve listed, collaborate and collect feedback from your team, or use a pre-hire assessment to make sure the candidate is a good fit and their skills match up to what you’ve seen on their resume.


Make the offer and seal the deal.

At last / My love has come along / My lonely days are over / And life is like a song



At this point you have found your dream candidate and gone through the difficult steps. Talent has options so the sooner you can close the less risk you face of losing them.  There is nothing more rewarding than a great hire you know is going to compliment your team and help propel your business forward.

Recruiting and hiring a great team is a process. Each step plays a crucial role in helping you make the right hire for your business. The Recruiting Soundtrack finally exists! Which songs would you add to list? 

Lexie Forman-Ortiz

Lexie Forman-Ortiz is the Community Manager at SmartRecruiters.