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The Possibilities of Mobile Recruiting

Mobile recruiting pracitices different approaches and techniques with different people.  But mobile recruiting is increasing and at its core it is the use of a mobile device to communicate with the job seeker. This can be accomplished through a smartphone device like an iPhone or Android phone, a tablet like an iPad, or a cell phone without all the bells and whistles.

For the masses, mobile serves as a form of a virtual and research assistant, providing us instant access to directions, product reviews, and social connects. So why not jobs? It starts with a mobile career site.  The use of mobile devices has become a mainstream trend with 6.8 million Android and iOS devices (Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, and iPod) activated on Christmas Day.

As an iPhone 4GS user, I see a lot of potential with voice and intelligent smart phone devices like Siri.  If I can program Siri to remind me to stop by the store, why not program her to make me aware of job openings as I make my morning commute. With Siri and other mobile recruiting technologies, the job seeker can apply hand frees, with only his or her voice.

For the hiring company, the intelligent virtual assistant provides the same opportunity. Companies can be alerted by voice when someone,  who is a highly coveted candidate, changes their LinkedIn status, or happens to check in with their GPS nearby.

This could take a business’s mobile recruiting effort to another level. Think this possibility is far off?  Don’t.  I have spoken with a handful of HR technology companies who admit that their engineers are researching and building programs to make this dream a reality.

Mobile recruiting starts with a mobile compatible website, a mobile compatible career site, engagement on social channels, and the use of text messaging, but there are more mobile techniques to consider. Mobile technologies offer a million different possibilities to connect directly with the candidate away from their desktop computer. But this accessibility is not without challenges. Instant access provides the opportunity to overwhelm the candidate instead of gently nudging them into apply for a job opening or a quick meeting over coffee. The key to mobile recruiting will remain providing value and focusing on the candidate experience for the entire hiring and selection process, mobile included.

So Where Do You Think Mobile Recruiting is Heading?

Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a HR consultant, new media strategist, and author who writes at Blogging4Jobs. Jessica is the host of Job Search Secrets, an internet television show for job seekers. 

Photo Credit The Thinker via Mariner Project Video Credit Siri Says Some Funny Things (MacMost Special Edition)

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