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The Best Times to Find the Perfect Intern


For small and underfunded companies, interns are a fantastic way to get some extra, eager, and competent hands on deck at a far less prohibitive cost—while contributing to the success of future professionals and entrepreneurs.

Identifying the right time to post jobs, however, can be a tad tricky. Post too early, and potential interns won’t be looking yet. Post too late, and the cream of the crop will already be taken. So when is the ideal time to find that perfect intern?

The time is right when the leaves fall.

According to aggregate data, SmartRecruiters has found that the best time for businesses to post internships and summer positions is during the Fall months—September, October and November—which means that hiring managers should be acting now.

Students are beginning to search for these positions earlier every year, so hiring managers must start planning earlier than usual if they want to reach the most qualified applicants.

Intern Wednesdays

When it comes to the best day of the week for hiring managers to post openings, “Hump Day” is best for internships, while Tuesday and Friday are best for full-time entry-level positions.

Additionally, applicants and hiring managers can expect the process to take about two months on average – 59 days, to be exact—although this number fluctuates based on the job function. Sales positions are filled most quickly, with an average time to hire of 43 days, while consulting jobs have a longer lead time with an average time-to-hire of 88 days.

Tech rules

It is no surprise that the technology industry is booming, and is the most popular industry for entry-level positions. So much so that it takes the cake with 21 percent, followed by:

The competition in each industry will certainly determine the competition for great interns. Additional planning and strategy will certainly help assist in finding those diamonds in the rough.

So hiring managers, take advantage of the time and resources you have now to ensure that you are investing in the best talent possible for 2017!

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