SmartRecruiters Blog

Starting a Diversity Recruitment Marketing Campaign

Despite the rising employment market new hire quits are up 8–10 % from last year. Considering the dollars spent on recruitment and training, what can you do to better insure new hire retention and save on your HR investment?

When it comes to minority and diversity recruitment, there’s at least one way you can maximize your spending. Many companies already diligently work towards creating a diverse brand identity. So why not recruit from these audiences as well? Maximize your branding efforts, reach your necessary compliance, and recruit new and worthy talent pools. This is how you maximize your ROI, all from one successful diversity recruitment campaign.

There are now available resources that allow you to interact with various minority communities in all of these ways. Why settle for simply putting up a job posting on some giant board where it will likely never be seen, much less by a potential minority job recruit.

Use a resource that has been already established as a direct link to minority communities, and thus minority talent pools. While doing so, the association of your company brand seen throughout such resources establishes credibility within that community.

When your target audience trusts your brand you stand a much better effort of attracting better talent. And knowing your company is so open to wider mindsets helps improve the impression and reputation your company has made on that newly acquired talent. They would be less likely to leave.

And they’re more likely to recommend your company to their peers, either as additional worthy talent or as consumers of your company’s products.

Acquire better talent. Keep better talent. Help the success of your AFP. Save your company money.

Don’t Forget About Compliance

By using such established community-facing resources for your company’s outreach campaigns for minority recruiting, you’ve also gone a significant way towards OFCCP compliance. Remember that Good Faith Efforts (GFEs) are now at the top of the OFCCP’s lookout, and visibility in the community as a GFE counts as much towards compliance as job postings did in the past.

It’s all win-win. Community outreach will help with retention. Retention saves money. Minority recruiting visibility within a specific potential talent pool helps with your GFE’s and OFCCP compliance efforts.


Mark Cohen is the E.V.P. Marketing of This post was originally published as “Can Community Can Help With Retention?” 

Mark Cohen

Mark Cohen has been working since 1995 to promote diversity and equality in the workplace through minority recruitment and community outreach. In his position as EVP and Director of New Business Development at Equality Mark has become a recognized authority on minority recruitment and compliance. Equality and its family of Diversity Recruitment Vehicles have been at the forefront of minority recruitment and compliance. Since 1997 they have been advocates of promoting diversity in America's workforce; bringing the vast and talented pools of African-American, Hispanic, Veteran, and Female workers to the companies that need them.
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