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Social Recruiting: Identify, Follow, Share, And Contribute

In the new world of social recruiting and employer branding, best hiring practices go beyond traditional methods of advertising your job opening.  One must identify, follow, share, and contribute to grow relationships, build rapport, and woo the top talent to your organization.  When it comes to recruiting job seekers, take a look at the history of recruiting technologies to see how we have arrived at the five stages of social recruiting:








This is the flow that companies are establishing with a focus on identify, follow, share, and contribute in the conversation, the relationship, and growth of that potential employee.  Social recruiting puts the recruiter in direct contact with the candidate no longer able to hide behind the applicant tracking and HR software technology.  The change is happening.  The question is whether or not you and your employer are willing to dive in to the discussion and untap the potential that social recruiting brings.


Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a workplace and technology strategist specializing in social media. She’s an author who writes at Blogging4Jobs. When she talks, people listen.

Check Out Below How SmartRecruiters brings job seekers closer to hiring managers by listing who posted the job opening:


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