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SmartUp: Feasting on Social Recruiting

Elevating innovation in hiring

It’s the new year, so SmartUp! Join us at SmartRecruiters headquarters in SOMA to feast on the personal social media recruiting stories of William Tincup, Craig Fisher and John Sumser. Drinks, Dinner, and raw social recruiting brainpower!

Tickets are $10 in advance, $20 at the door … and FREE if you are attending Social Recruiting Strategies Conference [register and bring your conference pass to event].

“SmartUp: Feasting on Social Recruiting” will be 6:00 to 8:30 pm Wednesday January 30th at the SmartRecruiters HeadQuarters, 56 Tehama St.

Register here. Follow the discussion on Facebook and Twitter. This great panel includes:


William Tincup.

HR Vendor / Consultant, MBA, SPHR, Speaker, Blogger, DriveThruHR Co-Host, Fistful of Talent Contributor, HR Software User Acceptance / User Adoption Expert.


Craig Fisher.

3 boys’ Dad • CEO #Talentnet • Sales & recruiter strategy Ajax Social Media • Linkedin Certified Training • Employer Brand • Speaker/Blogger Instagram/fishdogs


John Sumser.

Seasoned analyst of HRTech market strategy. Demographic economist. Analyst for HRxAnalysts (brand meaning-perception) in HR. Editor of the HRExaminer.


6:00-7:00 pm: Dinner, Drinks, and Networking
7:00-7:45 pm: Panel Discussion
7:45-8:30 pm: Drinks and Networking

Time to Feast on Social Recruiting. Register for this SmartUp.

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