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SmartProfile: The Levo League

General Information – The Levo League

Founded: 2012

Service (offered): Career Destination for Gen Y Professionals

CEO: Caroline Ghosn

Twitter: @levoleague


Employees: 6

SmartRecruiters wants to know: How do you make hiring easier? Leslie Zaikis of The Levo League had this to say.


1. Tell us a little about the history of Levo League.

The Levo League is a solution-oriented response to real problems that young professional women experience in the workforce. 

Although women make up a greater percentage of college graduates and hold more entry-level jobs than their male counterparts, there is an obvious lack of women in the upper echelons of company leadership. We think that giving young women the tools to find the right opportunity and be successful in the early years of their careers is key to building the pipeline of women at the top – yet these resources haven’t been readily accessible.

Our co-founders, Caroline Ghosn and Amanda Pouchot, met on their first day at McKinsey & Company, where they began their careers. After experiencing firsthand this lack of resources and mentorship available to young professional women at the beginning of their careers, they founded The Levo League.  


2.  How does Levo League’s service work?

The Levo League includes comprehensive career resources for young professional women, from daily work-related articles like “how to negotiate a raise” or “learning to delegate,” to weekly video mentorship chats with successful business leaders like the Chairman of Gilt Groupe or the VP of Digital at Time, Inc., to robust discussion forums and business connection opportunities. Integrated within the site, The Levo League includes a curated directory of established companies, nonprofits, and small businesses that are great employers for women, and highlights job opportunities at these organizations.


3. What are Levo League’s market differentiators?

The Levo League has become a destination for professional women across industries. Our user base centralizes the highest caliber female talent on one site – including current students at leading undergraduate or graduate programs and current employees at top Fortune 500 companies, startups, and nonprofits.

Posting on The Levo League also helps our customers capture the attention of the expansive market of “passive jobseekers” in Gen Y that aren’t found at recruiting events or on traditional job boards.  Nearly 75% of currently employed Gen Y workers would consider a new job opportunity – even if they’re satisfied in their current job.  Most of our users leverage the site for advice, mentorship, and other guidance – and have the ability to explore a curated selection of jobs personalized for them while they’re here. 


4. Why should hiring businesses use the service of Levo League?

Featuring an exclusive partnership with Fortune’s Most Powerful Women and close ties to Startup America, The Forte Foundation, 85 Broads, and several university chapters of Women in Business, The Levo League is the best way to position the career opportunities at your organization to a captive audience of educated, ambitious women in the United States and beyond. We’ve consistently received praise for the caliber of applicants (and hires) from our community and have helped connect several small business with talent that otherwise may not have considered an opportunity to work at their company.


5. What’s a fact we may not know about Levo League?

Our logo is an elevator button! Some people don’t see it right away. Levo, a Latin word, means “to smooth, polish, or otherwise improve” and is the root of the word “elevate,” which captures our mission for young professional women. 


Editor’s Note: Have you used Levo League before? Comment below. 

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