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General Information

Founded: September 2011

Leadership: is managed by its founding partners, David Samson and John Rodger.

Twitter: @ITJobPro

Service Offered: is a HUB for IT Professionals world-wide looking for employment in the Information Technology and related technical domains. Companies seeking skilled IT Professionals post job adverts describing requirements. will match job requirements to job seekers IT skills and automatically E-Alert potential applicants of new postings. Job Adverts are promoted via distribution to other Niche Job Sites and via Social Networks. is continually adding to its network of niche job boards to promote Jobs posted by recruiting companies.

# of Employees: 5


Tell us a little bit about the history of ITJobPro: was created by its founding partners in 2011 after spotting a gap in the market. Its founders, were frustrated with the expensive up-front fees taken by many competitors, with no guarantee of results or quality. Recognizing that there are many free sites, which offer job postings which don’t deliver anything apart from unsolicited offers from unrelated parties they decided to create a product which integrated seamlessly with other partners in the industry. Realizing that Recruitment is both a speed and a numbers game, the goal has been to build a product which gets Job Adverts in front of as many people as possible and in as quick a time as possible.


How does ITJobPro ‘s service work?

  • –  Hiring companies are encouraged to post jobs to
  • –  Jobs are posted for 30 days, or until removed by the hiring company.
  • –  Jobs are made visible on the site, and potential job seekers may apply free of charge for the position posted by the recruiting company.
  • –  Job Applications are received directly to the recruiting companies inbox via email, or to the  company’s preferred Application Tracking System / Hiring Platform.
  • – will promote the recruiting companies position via its Social Media networks.
  • –  The Job Posting is automatically distributed to niche IT Job Boards owned and operated by The job is further distributed to partner Job Boards via integrated feeds, which are updated 3 times daily.
  • –  Job Postings are distributed via e-mail to active job seekers.


What are ITJobPro ‘s market differentiators ?

  • –  We don’t stand still. We are continually adding to our network of IT niche job sites, by skill, striving to increase our network of reach to specialist and skilled IT Professionals.
  • –  We believe in delivering the best customer service. We respond quickly to all our customers and offer full support throughout the process.
  • –  We believe in innovation. Our team is investing in new products, which will increase Job Exposure by the power of social networks.
  • –  New Markets. We believe in looking beyond borders for skilled IT Professionals. In any space, the talent pool is limited. Sometimes, there are just big fish in a small pond. With our experience and background, we understand that there is an emerging pool of talent, with a fantastic work ethic that we can tap into. We are continually looking for ways to reach out to a wider and wider talent pool.


Why should a hiring business use the service of

–  When seeking specialised skilled candidates, you need to use a specialist IT Job Site, backed with a network of niche sites by skill to get maximum results.


What’s a fact we may not know about ITJobPro?


ITJobPro registers a new job seeker on average every 2.5 minutes. 96% of our job seekers are located in the USA.

Post Jobs to ITJobPro though SmartRecruiters hiring platform.

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