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Sky is No Longer the Limit

World's first Skydive Pitch Competition

With over 2,300 startups, 1,100 venture capitalists, and 600 journalists, from over 120 countries, Slush is the world’s leading startup event, being held on November 30 – December 1, 2017, in Helsinki. SmartRecruiters Founder and CEO, Jerome Ternynck, will be speaking on the main stage alongside former Vice President, Al Gore, and others.

To build excitement about the event, Slush recently hosted the world’s first Skydive Pitching Competition. Jerome was one of the brave participants to jump out of an airplane at 16,000 feet and pitch SmartRecruiters while free falling at 120mph.

Watch Jerome’s Skydiving Pitch

SmartRecruiters will be partnering with Slush, Europe’s biggest tech conference this year, to introduce conference participants to the product – which will be included in a “digital goodie bag” – as it supports both organizations’ commitment to helping entrepreneurs, founder, and SMBs succeed. “Jumping out of a plane in support of the global startup scene was an irresistible opportunity. There was also such an obvious metaphor: recruiting is changing fast, like my attitude was,” said Ternynck.

“Slush is one of few truly global conferences, with events in Tokyo, Singapore, Europe, and the United States. Chartering a private plane with more than a hundred founder yet again proves Slush’s dedication to shaping the future with technology and SmartRecruiters is thrilled to be helping with that,” said Robin Haak, previous Slush speaker, long-time official Slush advisor and managing director of SmartRecruiters.

Click here to learn more about Slush

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