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Public Opinion of Candidate Experience

How can candidate experience be better? In the search of satisfying labor, what are the friction points that technology can address? SmartRecruiters decided to ask the people. We walked down Market Street. Check out the video to see the barriers and solutions job seekers see when searching for work:

How to Help the Job Seeker, Crowdsourcing on Market Street San Francisco

Anonymous: It’s all about how you present yourself and how you market yourself to them and it always helps to do a little research on what they’re looking for, maybe look at their website and see what their company culture is.

Sasha Jones: The lady was like an hour late and then I came 10 minutes early so I was there for a really long time.

Briana Casanez: Man, they ask like 500 questions, like seriously and then some of them are like really crazy questions like if you found 20 dollars in a parking lot what would you do.

Sebastian Kato: I use different websites to browse for jobs and stuff, like Monster and LinkedIn. I find it more effective going through companies’ websites and applying there. At times it’s long and tedious, but I think those are the more effective than going through just search for jobs and stuff.

Anonymous: I’d say the worst part of it is just submitting your application and you don’t hear anything and you aren’t sure if they got it or not and you just kind of sit there and wait.

Quincy Car: The whole point to success is to be an individual person, have a passion and try to do it.

Gabrialla Souza: I think if they actually had a posting of job openings that would help to because no one wants to waste their time applying for a job when there’s no opening.

Sebastian Kato: At least the ones that are more effective for me are the ones where I actually go into their websites. I hear someone is hiring so I going into their website and go to their job postings.

Rico Price: Probably advertise it more on local television, news programs, local programs. Have a segment for jobs next to the weather report, after the weather report, or before the weather report. Stuff like that.

Briana Casanez: I want them to ask me about the things that I have done, because I’m a graphic designer and I do audio engineering and it’s like they want to see where you have been. Like what studios have you worked at, what people have you worked for, instead of just looking my work and listening to me and figuring out if I am the right candidate for the job.

Sebastian Kato: I mean ideally its what you want to do, you apply to the companies or the jobs that you are very interested in and having a relationship, not just a career but a relationship.

How can the Candidate Experience be Improved? Attend “SmartUp: Candidate Experience” on Aug. 8 to create discussion with CEOs, influencers and candidates. Panelists will be Co-Founder and CEO of Simply Hired Gautam Godhwani, Founder and CEO of SmartRecruiters Jerome Ternynck, HR and social media Author and Consultant Jessica Miller-Merrell,  The Talent Architect Pat Sharp, and 2 Job Seeking Candidates. Get your SmartUp Ticket Today!

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