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People’s Causes of Unemployment

“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world,” wrote Howard Zinn (‘The Optimism of Uncertainty,’ 2004). For unemployment to approach zero, the labor market must transform, and this transformation requires the ideas of many.

On Linkedin, Jessica Miller-Merrell posed the question, “Is there a solution to fixing or improving the recruiting process? Why is it so hard to find good people for your organization when unemployment is at 8.8%?”

Professionals have spoken and the trends are (1.) unrealistic expectations upon candidates, (2.) preventable communication breakdowns, and (3.) companies’ reluctance to train. Let us examine.

(1.) Unrealistic Expectations upon Candidates, and their Effects:





Possible Solutions and Alternative Mindsets:




(2.) Preventable Communication Breakdowns:






Possible Process Adjustments:




(3.) Companies’ Reluctance to Train:




Why Train?




Working creates skills. I am not alone in arguing that if companies settle for the best candidate available now, they will possess the ideal candidate sooner. Plus, through the candidate’s learning curve, the company will be paying for output instead of paying for recruiting. Make the right hire, today.

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