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Job Ads That Work

The importance of a well written job ad, or job posting, cannot be underestimated. The job ad is your direct medium of communication with a candidate. In reading, a potential candidate quickly forms a lasting impression of your company culture and how that potential candidate envisions daily life at your workplace.

Writing an good job ad optimizes your sourcing investments. I cannot emphasis enough that time spent on writing a good job ad is money saved in your short and long term recruiting budget. A good job ad will reduce time to hire and increase duration of employment. In writing your job ad, I have four broad strokes of advice (followed by a guide on how to optimize each section of a job ad):

Good job ads make a difference.

First impressions matter. A concise, enticing, and transparent job ad will attract the best candidates for your company. Below are the details of how to optimize each section of a standard job ad:

I can honestly say that if Jerome Ternynck had not written a great ad for a Marketing Intern, I would never have applied to work at SmartRecruiters, and then I never would have progressed from Intern to Director, and had the opportunity to be an integral part of a rapidly growing company.

Grow your company! Get started by posting your enticing job ads across the internet in a single click with our recruiting software.


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