SmartRecruiters Blog

Jerome Ternynck Presents “Quality of Hire: Good to Great”

Jerome Ternynck presented “Quality of Hire: Good to Great” at the SmartRecruiters headquarters on February 27 as part of our SmartUp Series to Elevate Innovation in Hiring. Jerome opened with a great story from his days as a headhunter. When he brought a startup company (you may have now heard of them? Cisco) a great candidate, a candidate they really liked, “The client asked, ‘Do you think we could find a better one?’ … Yeah, that’s what the best means. Best means there is no better one.” Jerome Ternynck‘s presentation details the science behind what companies need to do to source, engage and hire the best talent on the market. A must watch video for anyone who hires:


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David Smooke

David Smooke was the Director of Content Marketing and Social Media at SmartRecruiters and is the Founder of ArtMap Inc & AMI Publications.