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Intro To Vegas: The HR Technology Conference Playlist

Let’s be honest. Vegas is a workout. All those people, lights, smoke and sounds? It’s a serious drain on all the senses. And let’s not talk about how hot it is there, okay?  I don’t really understand the appeal of any weather that literally feels like stepping inside the hottest oven of life, but who am I to judge?  

Next week the awesome nerds of the HR Tech community will invade the furnace.  Vegas, you ready? I’ll be there. Sweating. And whereas I’m looking forward to it, I’m also psyching up for the workout.

As your resident HR Tech nerd who also owns a record label, I figured it was my civic duty to provide us all with a playlist to get pumped – an Intro to HR Tech Conf, music style, if you will.  I’m not going obvious-Vegas with this. We’ll hear enough Elvis in due time.


Doin’ it Right – Daft Punk ft. Panda Bear

“Everybody will be dancing and we’re doin’ it right.” This is your mantra for the week. Close your eyes, replay, repeat.

Falling – Haim

“I can feel the heat but I’m not burning.”  It’s true. You’ll feel the heat. If you’re burning, call 911 though, okay?

Take Back The Night – Justin Timberlake

“Dizzy, spinning, sweating, you can’t catch your breath.” We already covered the sweating/burning thing. Add dizzy and spinning to it and you’ve got the idea now.

Applause – Gaga

“One second I’m a Kunst, Then suddenly the Kunst is me.” You know what “kunst” means, right? Art. That’s right. You’re art and don’t you forget it.

Picasso Baby – Jay-Z

“Bacons and turkey bacons, smell the aroma.” Hope you’re hungry because those buffets will be calling your name. Or the bacon will.

Shot at the Night – The Killers

“Give me a moment, some kinda mysterious.” But seriously, you’ll never be at HR Tech Conference with this group of people ever again. This is your shot. This is your moment. Get it.

Berzerk – Eminem

“Life’s too short to not go for broke.” Need we say more?

Waking Up In Vegas – Katy Perry

“Information overload, situation lost control, Send out an S.O.S.”  Oops, you took Eminem little too seriously? So shake the glitter off your clothes. No I don’t know what that means.

I’ll Be Alright – Passion Pit

“I’ll be alright, I’ll be alright.” After all the chaos, this is your end-of-conference mantra.

Recover – Chvrches

“And if I recover, will you be my comfort?”  The answer is yes. Yes I will. Maybe. I don’t know. Actually, let me get back to you about that one.

See you in Vegas!!


Jocelyn Aucoin is the owner of Lujo Records and works with startups in HR Tech to get there Marketing and Social Media game right. Follow her at @misslujo and


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