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Hire18 Speaker Preview: Chris Stiemert

From what is in clear contention for the worst onboarding experience in recent history, this director of talent acquisition found a way to work it to his advantage, and come out with some learnings, as well as killer anecdotes.

Having bagged a gig at, Chris Stiemert knew there was room for improvement, and that he was the man to get things going. What he didn’t plan for was,

“On my first day, having arrived two hours early,” he explains, “waiting for 20 mins to take the elevator up, to find a dusty desk and a computer that doesn’t work. Then the boss says, ‘good luck, go build a recruiting function’.”

And that’s just what he did. And he did it well enough to be able to tell this story without getting canned. When Chris joins us at our Hiring Success 18 conference in San Francisco March 12-14, he’ll help make sense of how you can also make sense of such nonsensical startup situations, like:

How to get started. What to prioritize.

The importance of building the TAP culture.

The Importance of getting something in place and then iterating, as opposed to over-thinking and never implementing.

Building your brand with limited resources, focusing on your natural advantages.

For where Chris went from here, and how you can also turn a slapstick comedy start to a new job into true hiring success, register for Hire18 here!

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