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Hire18 Speaker Interview: Ethan Medeiros

This California native took the unlikely path of riding the tech boom inland to Salt Lake City, where at fashion portal, he’s quietly getting close to doubling the company’s roster with fresh, intuitive hires.

It’s not out of character to suppose HR Tech’s rapid advancement emanates mostly from Silicon Valley, but ahead of Ethan Medeiros’ speaking session at Hiring Success 18 in San Francisco March 12-14th – register here! – the senior talent acquisition partner for fashion website gives us a glimpse of what it’s like leading the charge in HR Tech from a more unpredictable place.

What does Hiring Success mean to you?

To increase networking and knowledge by connecting and learning from professionals all over the world!

Where does recruitment figure on your company’s list of priorities?

For Jane, recruitment has definitely been in the top three for the past five years.

Who is your biggest professional influence and why?

Brene Brown – I have listened to her speak a number of times, and this quote is the reason I recruit: Courage is contagious. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little better and the world a little braver.” Every time we hire or relocate someone to work in our organizations we are changing lives for the better. Ultimately, you must care about each and every individual you hire.

What led you to Salt Lake City?

I came out here for school and then I found my wife. I have been in the Silicon Slopes for the past 17 years.

What are some advantages/disadvantages of being outside the nexus of the Bay Area?


  1. Competitive salaries to the Bay Area.
  2. Family oriented.


  1. Lack of Tech Talent.
  2. Competing against Bay Area companies.

What are the most exciting changes brought about by such quick technical change in HR?

Some exciting changes having things more automated here at Jane. Being able to have the hiring manager give direct feedback into our ATS while interviewing has been a huge game changer, as well as increased transparency with hiring managers, which allows us to make decisions faster based on comparisons and feedback all in one place, though sometimes we miss out on the face to face element. We are trying to add the human aspect to our recruiting process more and more.

How were you able to hire so many people so quickly at Jane?

Mostly, it’s the relationship I have with my hiring managers and the trust they give me to do my job. Also because I reject candidates promptly!

Considering the leaps in technology, how much of your job is intuitive?

There is always a large amount of intuitiveness on the part of our hiring managers and our team (recruiters). With the help of SmartRecruiters ATS we can stay very consistent with our hiring plan, which in turn helps validate our intuitiveness.

Are you worried your job will ever be taken over by a machine?

No way! People will always want the human interaction for making life decisions. The human interaction is a powerful force!

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