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4 Easy Steps to Recruiting Hourly Workers

Having a recruiting strategy is a great first step to attracting the candidates you’re looking for, but have you tailored your strategy based on the audience you’re looking to capture? Many companies who employ both salaried and hourly positions don’t think they need a separate recruiting methodology to attract qualified applicants but since the audience’s needs are different, your recruiting strategy needs to be too. Here are four steps to get you on the right path for attracting top hourly talent.

1. Evaluate where you’re posting your jobs.
If you’re using online as a major channel for applications, look at the demographics of those sites to make sure you’re in the right spot. All online job communities can provide you with age, gender, time spent on site and minimum website behavior. Sophisticated job posting sites can provide education and experience level for their average user helping you attract the right talent.

2. Think like a job seeker. If you were looking for an hourly position in today’s market, how would you do it? That’s right, we’d all go to Google/Bing/Yahoo and see what comes up so start there. If you’re looking to hire servers, cashiers, or other hourly positions, start with a simple search and see what websites are on the first page. Those are typically the most relevant sites and most used when searching for those jobs.

3. Evaluate your job title. You want applicants to take your positions seriously but you don’t need to make the job title complicated and scary. Make it easy for job seekers to know what the position is so they know if they want to apply. For example, instead of listing your position as “Customer Service Representative Cashier,” simply putting “Cashier” as the job title can help clear up any confusion the seeker may have. Also include the additional job responsibilities in the description portion of your posting to add importance.

4. Include the perks. Typically employers don’t offer traditional benefits such as healthcare or paid time off for hourly employees, so use your post as an opportunity to advertise the untraditional benefits of our brand. In our research, we’ve found that job seekers are most attractive to positions that offer flexible scheduling, are in a convenient location and have competitive wages. If you can provide any of these benefits, list them in the job posting.


Job seekers looking for hourly positions are utilizing websites that offer similar jobs and are easy to use. Make sure your approach to attracting hourly talent is tailored to the audience and you’ll have more success in finding great employees.


Susan Stavitzski is the Marketing Engagement Analyst for SnagaJob, America’s largest hourly employment network for job seekers and employers, with more than 50 million registered job seekers and the leading hourly-focused talent management system, has been serving hourly workers and those who employ them since 2000.

SmartRecruiters is the hiring platform to source, engage and hire top talent. Post a job to SnagAJob through SmartRecruiters.

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