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Recruiting Startup of the Year Nominee: WebClipDrop

The whole point of implementing new tech is to make things easier. With this handy little app, an hour’s worth of grunt-work is taken care of in ten minutes. 

Meet the companies vying for the title of Recruiting Startup Of The Year (RSOTY) at Hiring Success 18, in San Francisco, March 12-14. Register here!  Your vote determines which six are flying to California to pitch their ideas to 1000+ Talent Acquisition leaders and puts them in the running for the grand prize.

One of these six will be selected by a group of C-Suite experts and industry analysts for the ultimate prize of a Gold Sponsorship to Hiring Success 19, worth $10,000, which includes a branded booth and dedicated demo-room for potential customers to interact with their product.

WebClipDrop is a recruiter productivity tool that helps recruiters go two to three times faster by letting them clip contacts, find emails instantly and drops data into any CRM or ATS system. We asked WebClipDrop co-founder Doug Berg how they did it.

What’s your company’s elevator pitch?

WebClipDrop is an intelligent web clipboard that helps you clip data from any site (Job boards, search engines, directories, social networks), enrich data (find email and contact info) and drop the data into any ATS, CRM, or HRMS, saving you hours each day and 50% or more on sourcing costs.

That’s actually a really good idea. What gave you the initial idea?

We’ve worked with thousands of recruiters who waste tremendous amounts of time with dozens of tools to try and mine data. We wanted to create a productivity tool that would make all that data movement as easy as two clicks.

Can you give us an example of when you saw the idea become a reality?

One example comes from two larger corporate sourcing teams, trying to build talent pipelines from several social networks, search engines, and resume sites. It took hours of time per recruiter to pull, clean and enrich the data, then enter the data into their CRM. With WebClipDrop, we’ve automated the entire process from clipping data, enriching data, or exporting hundreds of contacts into a single click, which has resulted in recruiters saving anywhere from one to three hours per day of unproductive time.

Of all industries to tackle, why recruiting? 

Recruiting is ripe for productivity gains, especially because there are so many apps and sites that people’s data traverses during the recruiting process. Being able to take the friction out of all that movement was a perfect use case for WebClipDrop.

How do you envision your idea changing the talent acquisition landscape?By making WebClipDrop so easy to use on nearly any site on the web, we’ve instantly made the entire recruiting supply chain more productive, while simultaneously helping companies to see what sources are most productive, and ultimately making the quality of data better within all of their applications, all of which dramatically speeds up the recruiting process.

What does ‘hiring success’ mean to you?

When any WebClipDrop user uses our tool to magically clip, enrich, and drop data in three to four seconds versus what used to take 30-40 minutes, we know we’ve made a big impact for the recruiter and in the end every candidate who gets more time from the recruiters.

What’s the main role of technology in hiring?

If technology isn’t making it easier for every stakeholder in the recruiting process (along with adding value), then it shouldn’t be deployed. I’ve seen companies hang on to legacy technology for years just because they’re afraid to change, but they never see the impact that not changing is having. Ignorance is miss – meaning missed hires, missed talent, missed opportunity, missed innovation.


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