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8 Great Company Culture Videos by Businesses of All Sizes

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Your company may come across plenty of candidates that meet your qualifications, but will they really be the best fit? Will they share your philosophy, adding value and promoting growth? It’s hard to say, but there is one sure way to increase your chances of finding “the one.” Attract your potential hires by showing your company culture. If they identify with it, chances are there’s a good match. A great way to do this is with recruiting videos.

In fact, that’s how SmartRecruiters stood out to me when I applied to be an intern. From the passionate coworkers I’d be working with, to the green and white office I’d sit in, and to its “Hiring Made Easy” philosophy, they got me. Here are the 8 Company Culture Videos that scream the personality of 8 very different types of companies:

Recruiting Videos

8. Twitter expresses its company quirkiness by making a cheesy recruiting video about making a recruiting video. It’s funny, showcases its workers and office space, and even features CEO Dick Costollo.


7. R/GA London presents its culture well through it’s two-day “Make Day” event, where the whole agency is encouraged to make things they want to make. This video reflects the company’s belief in collaboration, innovation, and finding new ways to work.


6. Sculpt, a Social Media Agency in Iowa City, went against the grain of the Harlem Shake. A short opinionated statement on “what’s trending on the internet today for whatever reason” is a clever way to get impressions on your brand.


5. chmedia’s channel shows its fun side with a company-wide lip sync of Harvey Danger’s “Flagpole Sitta.”Considering that chmedia’s entities include,,, an entertaining company culture video is to be expected. One continuous shot pans the office and onto the many happy faces of the company. Who wouldn’t want to join in?


4. Sea Breeze, a family-owned manufacturer and distributor of premium beverages on tap, does a wonderful job when it stresses the value of great customer service, quality, and community. Every small and medium sized business has a story. Share yours.


3. Shopify creates an amazing atmosphere by introducing a few company teams in a light matter, offering benefits (like free catered food and open space), and providing genuine testimonials from its employees.


2. Atlassian gives a great inside look onto its employees and products. They even have comedic videos on how to be productive in the workplace, such as the following. Notice how the jokes are targeted at people who who have the agile skills i.e. jokes are for the type of people they are looking to recruit.


1. Rackspace compiled footage of a typical day at the company, jam packed with ongoing events. Lets not forget the tour of it’s huge and active workspace. You have to dig the shot and edited in one day approach.


As these company recruiting videos demonstrate, your company doesn’t need a fancy video camera or team of professionals to make an impressive video covering your company’s culture and attributes. All you need is a video recorder (or even just a phone), team spirit, and determination.


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