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7 Reasons Why Recruiting is Just Like Dating

Recruiting.  Dating.  I’m sure you can see the similarities.  As a recruiter, I’m searching for the best possible person to do a job.  As an eligible female (who in reality isn’t exactly eligible, I’m married), I’m searching for a companion that will fill the bill.  Except that not many recruiters can honestly say they treated their matchmaking in the same way they interview and fill jobs.  I can.


Employment, like dating, is a relationship where two parties spend a significant part of their lives with one another.  It’s a mutual contract that started with a connection with the idea of benefiting both parties either personally, financially or both.


Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a workplace and technology strategist specializing in social media.  She’s an author who writes at Blogging4Jobs.  Also, connect with her on Pinterest @blogging4jobs. Photo Credit TechFresh.


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