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4 Ways to Improve Recruiting Strategies for Seasonal Workers

Recruiting is a challenge for any company, but seasonal recruiting is a whole other beast. The key to being successful at it is having a bulletproof strategy in place. 

Seasonal recruiting isn’t easy. Trying to anticipate how many workers you’ll need to source for short periods of time is far from an exact science. Do it right, and you’ll conquer holiday rushes. Do it wrong, and you’ll be explaining to higher-ups why you’re either way understaffed or way over budget. It’s a complex process, but we’ll break it down into easily digestible segments so that you can attract, select, and hire seasonal talent—on demand and on budget. 

Budget Wisely

It goes without saying that if you need to rev up your recruiting efforts, you’ll have to allocate additional money to make it happen. To ensure that your ledger doesn’t end up in the red, consider the following tips:

Plan Ahead of Time 

Organizations should start planning their campaign and advertising strategy for seasonal hiring 3-4 months out. It is important to build ample time to define your target audience, messaging strategy, and channels to meet your hiring demands.

Jared Best, Hiring Success strategist

As the saying goes, timing is everything. This is especially true when it comes to seasonal recruiting. Make sure to develop your strategy well in advance. This will allow you to anticipate and plan accordingly for all of your needs and expenses. Here’s how to stay ahead:

Have a Winning Technology Stack

It’s probably safe to assume that you use one or a variety of recruiting applications in your day-to-day work. How up-to-date they are might be another story. Can your tech stack accomplish the following?

Streamline Your Onboarding Process


Seasonal recruiting is not something to leave to the last minute. Utilizing an effective seasonal recruiting strategy that employs effective budgeting, talent pipelines, modern technology, and streamlined processes will help you cut costs while still helping your business to deliver the best possible outcomes.

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