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4 Conversation Starters for the Interview Room

Recently I examined, “Does Job History Matter?” People often place too much weight on job history. To break out of the corrosive recruiting habit of job history over capabilities and cultural fit, here are some conversation starters to consider when speaking with candidates:

The incredible irony of the company I used to work for and their training process is that they make internal hires based on the exact opposite of how they train recruiters to screen candidates.  They look for intangibles in a person that will make them successful in the environment they’ve created; competitive, goal-driven, success-hungry, and aggressive.  They’re brilliant at understanding their internal culture, and uncompromisingly focused on preserving it.  They also happen to be one of the most successful and profitable staffing and recruiting companies in the world.  Coincidence? The trick to ignoring job history is having a clear understanding of what your company stands for; what values, morals, ethics, and characteristics are celebrated.  Then, simply play match-maker.

Don’t let job history stop you from hiring your requisition sole-mate.  Your company will thank you for it.

With an educational background in entrepreneurship, Travis Baker’s views tend to build from a broader business perspective.  Born in 1985, he’s a true millennial.  He believes we’re all citizens of a global community, and we have a shared responsibility to society.  His experience as both an agency and corporate talent acquisition professional has taught him that people are the real drivers of business. 

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