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32 Quotes About Workplace Culture

Workplace culture is in the collective behavior of employees; it drives the quality of current employees’ work and the perspective employees’ talent. Many scholars (Fiel, 1991; Louis, 1983; Martin, 2002; Ravasi/Shultz, 2006) define organizational culture as “a set of shared mental assumptions that guide interpretation and action in organizations by defining appropriate behavior for various situations.”

What type of ‘society’ does your business form? Culture includes but is not limited to, values, visions, norms, working language, systems, symbols, beliefs, and habits. During the recruitment and onboarding process, new employees are taught a way of perceiving, and even thinking and feeling. Organizational culture affects the way people and groups interact with each other, with clients, and with stakeholders. SHRM, the largest Society for Human Resources Management, hosted a Twitter Chat with Jerome Ternynck as the featured guest.

If you happened to miss, no worries, here are best workplace culture tweets for all 8 questions:

Q1. What is your definition of a high-performance workplace culture?

Q2. What are the top three drivers of a high-performance workplace culture?

Q3. Are compensation and benefits the most important factors to creating a high-performance culture today? Why or why not?

Q4. How does diversity in the workforce affect performance?

Q5. How do you train, mentor and coach a high-performance mindset with current employees?

Q6. High-performing cultures such as Yahoo can stumble. What factors contribute to organizational decline?

Q7. How can supervisors drive innovation and performance at the team level in companies with cultures of mediocrity?

Q8. What revolutionary workforce practices will actually drive innovation in today’s tech and social savvy workplaces?

A the end of the day, your company culture is going to be what people make it. But, as a leader, you ought to steer in the right direction. Learn more about human resources role in hiring, or take a quick look at SmartRecruiters!

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